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What is the best way to prevent frozen pipes?

Here are some ways to prevent frozen pipes: 

  • Insulate pipes: Insulate water supply lines to protect them from cold temperatures. 
  • Keep the thermostat up: Keep your thermostat set to at least 55°F during cold weather. 
  • Open cabinet doors: Open cabinet doors in your kitchen and bathrooms to allow warm air to circulate around pipes. 
  • Let water drip: Turn on a faucet to allow for a constant drip. Moving water freezes less quickly than standing water. 
  • Turn off outside water: Before freezing weather, turn off the water to outside spigots and drain all water from the line. You can also cover outdoor faucets with foam insulation kits. 
  • Find shut off valves: Locate the shut off valves for emergencies. 
  • Seal leaks: Seal any leaks in your pipes. 
  • Keep a consistent temperature: Try to keep the temperature consistent throughout the day and night

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